All GAS users spent in the app are burned daily from the Spending Account.
The Platform Fee and Royalty Fee are reserved to the team to sustain its operation, no less than 5% of the Team's profit will be sent to the Ecosystem fund. Following are the Team's Profit on both BNBChain, which will be taken on week basis:
Fee on BNBChain: 0xf0d9555F20756Fff866Db84bE912ca2545E01ad3
The other taxes collected by STEPOUT will be funneled into a Treasury pool, which will be up to the STO staker to decide:
By locking the staked STO, users will get higher voting power:
Locking Period
1 month
3 months
6 months
1 year
2 years
3 years
Every month, 0.5% of the total supply will be unlocked, which equals to 30,000,000 STO. These STO will be used to support building STEPOUT's global ecosystem. Unspent STO will be held in the STEPOUT treasury.
Treasury address: